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Music - Sound Sanctuary

“And let them build Me a sanctuary that I may dwell in their midst.” – Exodus 25:8

Welcome to the Am Shalom Sound Sanctuary.

In this mishkan t’filah – virtual house of prayer – you will find music all year long to enjoy, inspire, sing with, and reflect upon.

Pick up any of Music at Am Shalom's six CDs at Am Shalom, have a listen on SoundCloud, or find our music on YouTubeCDBabyAmazonSpotify and iTunes.

SOULcial Justice SHABBAT Shira


Sh'ma Koleinu ~ Hear Our Voice

Selections from Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur

Sh'ma Koleinu ~ Hear Our Voice

Selections from S'lichot and Kol Nidre




B'nai Mitzvah

"Tiny Desk" Tot Shabbat

Fri, January 24 2025 24 Tevet 5785