Bet Mitzvah @ Am Shalom
Bet Mitzvah
The age of 13, in Jewish tradition, is the age of religious responsibility. The term Bar (for a boy) and Bat (for a girl) Mitzvah means "son or daughter of the commandment," in essence stating that this young person is now ready to take on the responsibilities of observing and caring for their Jewish identity. To demonstrate this readiness, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah student is invited to lead a prayer service, chant from the Torah and the Haftarah, and write and deliver a D'var Torah, a lesson from their Torah portion. Our students are also asked to engage in several acts of tikkun olam, repair of the world, through volunteer or project-based work. There are three primary goals of Bet Mitzvah at Am Shalom: lifelong learning, prayer, and acts of loving-kindness. It is truly a milestone to celebrate along the path of Jewish life and learning.
Our students typically receive the date of their Bet Mitzvah service in the spring of fourth grade, but the formal preparations begin about 18 months in advance with a family class. The preparation for the Bet Mitzvah service is intended to be a meaningful part of the entire process. Students study diligently with their individual tutors and the cantor to learn their Torah and Haftarah portions and prayers. In addition, they will meet with one or more of our rabbis to prepare their D'var Torah, a teaching that they will share with the congregation on the day of their service.
For more information about our Bet Mitzvah dates, or about our tutoring and learning process, please contact Rabbi Phyllis Sommer.
Quick links:
Bet Mitzvah Service Prayerbooks to share with Service Participants
*Note that your student has a special study version of these prayerbooks.
Sat, September 7 2024
4 Elul 5784
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 7 , 2024Bar Mitzvah Henry Krit
Shabbat, Sep 7th 11:00a to 12:30p
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 7 , 2024Madrichol Training
Shabbat, Sep 7th 3:00p to 5:30p
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 7 , 2024Bat Mitzvah Sydney Kletzel
Shabbat, Sep 7th 4:00p to 5:30p
Sunday ,
SepSeptember 8 , 2024Religious School (K - 6th)
Sunday, Sep 8th 9:30a to 11:30a
Sunday ,
SepSeptember 8 , 2024Religious School (7th-12th)
Sunday, Sep 8th 11:30a to 1:00p
Monday ,
SepSeptember 9 , 2024Interfaith Knitters
Monday, Sep 9th 4:00p to 6:00p
Monday ,
SepSeptember 9 , 2024How Antisemitism Connects to Rising Threats to Our Democracy
Monday, Sep 9th 6:30p to 8:30p
Monday ,
SepSeptember 9 , 2024Finance Committee Meeting - ZOOM
Monday, Sep 9th 7:00p to 9:00p
Tuesday ,
SepSeptember 10 , 2024Field Trip: Money Museum at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Tuesday, Sep 10th 9:45a to 3:30p
Wednesday ,
SepSeptember 11 , 20249/11 Memorial Service
Wednesday, Sep 11th 7:45a to 8:45a