Am Shalom – Reform Congregation in Glencoe, Illinois - Adult Learning
Adult Learning
We look forward to learning with you this year, whether it’s at one class or every week. Each class provides an opportunity for you to learn about our heritage, study with our rabbis and special guests, develop friendships, and contribute to a sense of community at Am Shalom.
Adult Learning Philosophy
We truly believe that a “knowledgeable Jew” should know something about many topics, including: Jewish culture, ethical mitzvot, God, Hebrew, history, holidays, Israel, Jewish community, life cycle, the non-Jewish world, and prayer. Our programming at Am Shalom is designed to offer a taste of all of these ideas! As you study with us, we hope you will share your ideas about which topics you’d like to explore in more depth.
What if I have limited time and can’t attend every class?
These classes are meant for you and are meant to fit into your busy schedule. We offer a number of programs and classes that are formatted to one session, making it easier to participate. Give it a try!
What if I don’t know anyone?
If you are a first-timer and would like a helping hand, contact our office and we will find a buddy to join you at your first class!
Design Your Own Class!
Do you have a topic that you'd like to explore? Tell us what you want to learn! Contact Rabbi Phyllis Sommer with your ideas!
Do I have to register?
Registration is requested for all our educational programming so we can plan for your attendance. Each event is available for sign up here on our website, or you can call the synagogue at 847.835.4800.
Classes, Events and Lectures
Each month we offer a variety of classes and lectures on different topics.
Click here for a list of upcoming adult learning classes and events.
Monthly Book Discussions
Join us for a monthly book discussion in our beautiful Am Shalom library. No pressure, all are welcome (even if you haven't finished the book!) Click here for a list of this year's book discussion titles and dates.
Monday Night at the Movies
On the first Monday of most months, we join together in our Crown Room to view an Israeli or Jewish-themed film (free of charge), followed by a discussion. Click here for a list of this year's movies and dates.
Around Our Table
Am Shalom is home to many talented individuals! Every second Thursday our clergy will interview an Am Shalom member. We kick off each session with lunch and time to get to know one another. Click here for a list of this year's Around Our Table dates.
Adult B'nai Mitzvah
Did you miss the chance to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah when you were young? Well you’re never too old! Each year we shepherd a new group of students through an 18 month course of study and growth, culminating in a group B’nai Mitzvah service. Please click here to fill out the Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class interest form!
Conversion to Judaism
We are honored to guide you through the learning process that precedes conversion to Judaism. Please contact any one of our clergy directly to arrange a meeting.
Yad Squad (Torah Chanting)
Would you like to chant Torah on Shabbat or a holiday? This is your opportunity to join the Am Shalom Yad Squad. Click here for more information about this wonderful opportunity!
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Sh'vat 5785
Upcoming Events
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 18 , 2025A Weekly Feminist Reading Through the Book of Exodus (Zoom)
Tuesday, Feb 18th 1:00p to 2:00p
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 20 , 2025Israel Update with Mike Hollander
Thursday, Feb 20th 12:00p to 1:00p
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 25 , 2025A Weekly Feminist Reading Through the Book of Exodus (Zoom)
Tuesday, Feb 25th 1:00p to 2:00p
Tuesday ,
MarMarch 4 , 2025A Weekly Feminist Reading Through the Book of Exodus (Zoom)
Tuesday, Mar 4th 1:00p to 2:00p
Tuesday ,
MarMarch 11 , 2025A Weekly Feminist Reading Through the Book of Exodus (Zoom)
Tuesday, Mar 11th 1:00p to 2:00p
Tuesday ,
MarMarch 18 , 2025A Weekly Feminist Reading Through the Book of Exodus (Zoom)
Tuesday, Mar 18th 1:00p to 2:00p
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 19 , 2025Multi-Access Book Discussion: Across Seward Park by Gail Lerhman
Wednesday, Mar 19th 10:00a to 11:00a
Tuesday ,
MarMarch 25 , 2025A Weekly Feminist Reading Through the Book of Exodus (Zoom)
Tuesday, Mar 25th 1:00p to 2:00p
Sunday ,
MarMarch 30 , 2025Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema: Soul of a Nation
Sunday, Mar 30th 3:00p to 5:00p
Friday ,
AprApril 4 , 2025Book & Author: Dear Miss Perkins by Rebecca Graham
Friday, Apr 4th 10:00a to 11:00a

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