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Three Easy Steps to Make Your Vote Count

09/27/2020 07:04:37 AM


Dear Friends,

Here are three easy steps (plus one bonus step!) to make your vote count.

Decide whether to vote by mail or in-person.

STEP #2 
Get your mail-in ballot or find out where to vote. 

Get a "vote by mail ballot" from:

Cook County:
Lake County:

Find out where to vote in person:
For early voting

Cook County:
Lake County:

For Election Day (November 3) voting:
Find your polling place here

STEP #3:
However you decide to vote, make sure you GO OUT AND VOTE!
And while you're at it, please take a moment to fill out the census. The deadline is September 30.

Questions? Please contact the Am Shalom Get out the Vote Team:

Barbara Breakstone                  Fred Crandall                       Mitch Rogatz
312.318.3237                            312.498.4979                       312.810.2527 


Get CREATIVE and Get SOCIAL with your Voter Commitment!

1. Grab your kid, parent, grandparent or neighbor and help each other complete:

2. Create a video (10-30 seconds) or photo and share your voter action story on our very own non-partisan All Gen Votes Instagram!

Say: "We just completed (the 2020 Census/our voter registration/voter registration check/our mail in ballot request).

3. POST your video on Instagram between now and November 3 and tag us @allgenvotes OR EMAIL your video to

4. Questions? Call Julie Stark at 847.721.8391

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785