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Glencoe Community Garden

The Glencoe Community Garden is a sustainable, organic-practicing, food producing mini-farm and compost collaborative, established in 2012 by Am Shalom as a service and educational project. Built and cared for by volunteers, the Garden’s mission is altruistic, educational, and exploratory. 

Each season, approximately 3,000 pounds of fresh food is harvested and donated to local social service organizations that share the dream of food security for all and the mindfulness for our environment. With the Garden’s community composting initiative and use of drip irrigation, solar power and rain collection, the 5,000 sq foot area is zero waste to landfill.

GCG offers a myriad of educational, social action and community-building opportunities for individuals and groups in a beautifully accessible space open to all ages and abilities. 

See the full calendar of upcoming events and volunteer opportunities at the Glencoe Community Garden's website.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785